Saturday, April 11, 2009

Happy Easter Everyone

Wow! A whole term finished already and I'm longing for my holidays. This week has been a very trying one. It seems ALL my children have to be off all at the same time!!!

It's Emilee I'm most worried about. I really need to spend some quality time with her. In fact quality time with all of them is just what we need. So.... this Easter weekend T.V, laptops, Ds and wii all off. Radio and family fun is all that is allowed.

We started Friday with sleeping in. Something I haven't done for ages. In fact I didn't get out of bed until noon. We cleaned for a bit and enjoyed playing Yahtzee. This goes for a long time when there are 8 people playing. But we all stuck in there. Of Course, Mum won!!!!

Saturday was a lazy day too. I am just about to do the dinner dishes as it is my turn. And Emilee is begging me for a game of Yahtzee.

Talk again soon!

Monday, April 6, 2009

Dancing, Dancing, Dancing

Friday night was a blast! Spending time with my friends. Having someone to do things for me (Thanks Peta). Disappointed Katrina wasn't there. She promised me a back massage and I was looking forward to it. Oh well, next time!

After leaving home at 8.30 am, we arrived at the venue (Lourdes hill Collage - Hawthorne) with plenty of time to be extra organised. Tara was relaxed as I shoved her head inside her wig, then pinned it there with at least 50 bobby pins. It's o.k tara that blood is running down your face, at least your wig won't fall off. (Just joking - the blood was all over the floor.) Maybe this is why Tara forgot her entire hornpipe. No it definately was not Tara's dancing day.

Daniel did well - a second in the intermediate hornpipe, second in the traditional set dance and third in the open reel. He was so happy!!! Expecially as he was competing against Tara in the traditional set.

I was there for so long that I actually read the rules at the front of the program and thought you might be interested in how stupid some people must be that things need to be spelt out.
*Appropriate underwear must be worn.
*The use of artificial arm aids are not permitted.

Can you believe that some parents would make a device on a dress that stops the children from moving their arms while they dance.? It is a real skill to kick your leg and jump around like the dancers do with out moving your arms. Try it!!! I'm so glad my children dance because they love to and not because I force them to. I ask them all the time if they want to stop, but they won't! Think how much I'd save - fuel to Brisbane, dresses, lessons, shoes that cost $250 a pair.
I'd be rich in no time!!

But if that's what they want to do, then every cent is worth it!

Sunday was another day at dancing. This time we left home at 6.30am. Ardal had plans so that meant everyone was coming, which meant constent asking for treats at the canteen. Lucky for me, there were lizards in the garden and Declan and Liam were kept very busy!

Emilee danced well, but slipped off her overtoes (This is where she dances on the tip of her shoes). She didn't place in anything. Ardal danced well coming fifth in the jig and first in the traditional set.

We arrived home around 6pm, had dinner and then finally sat down to plan for the week.

Yeah!!!! Four days left of term 1.

Dreading the Easter bonnet Parade, hope people don't blame me for the practice that Hayley (Music Teacher) wants to have. I think it will run just fine, but she wants it to be professional. I just want it to be Caboolture East style.

Talk again soon
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