Friday, February 26, 2010


This aftenoon I went to the coffee club with my dear friend Peta and Mandy, Pam and Leonie. It was great to catch up with Peta, and to hear her tell the girls what she has been up to over her first 5 weeks with Cath. Ed. I can't beleive she still hasn't worked with any children yet! Of course it wasn't very long before we started talking school... What's happening with.... Is .... The questions went on and on. Why is it we can never stop talking school. I'm making a promise to myself that the next time we go for coffee in about a month's time I am not going to even mention school. Do you think I'll be able to do this?????

Any way thanks for a lovely afternoon tea girls! My class is very challenging and I miss working with you Peta... Working so closely with you was definately a highlight in my career. Cath Ed is so lucky to have gained such a wonderful, caring person!

Thursday, February 11, 2010

6 days away from home!

For those of you who don't already know, I have been stuck in the hospital with my very sick child Tara. Just look at her -
And this is 3 days after her operation. Tara was sick on Thursday night, with the same sort of pain she has been exhibiting for the last few months where she would wake in the middle of the night with a belly ache and the feeling that she was going to vomit. Considering her age I put it down to maybe the beginning stages of getting her period. However when the pain didn't go away Ardal took her to the hospital. They did a urine sample and dicovered she had blood and protein in her urine. They did blood tests and gave her pain relief. By morning she was feeling sick but o.k. so was sent home. She didn't want to go home she wanted to go to school sooff to school goes Tara. By 10am she was ill again and came to my room and feel asleep under my desk. It was Liam's birthday so we had our family dinner, but Tara slept through it. She woke at 8pm and asked for a cheese sandwich. She only managed a bite of the crust before she started vomiting. Ardal insisted that I take her back to the hospital but I was reluctant as  Ardal had been the night before. So when she continued vomiting and crying and the time was 1am I thought I better take her.

As soon as we saw the doctor the surgeon was called and preparation started for Tara's appendicectomy. She was tortured as they put 2 drips in, and a cathetar (excrutiating to watch my baby girl having this done after all our talks about private parts). Tara was screaming in pain despite the morphine.

After the operation Tara has taken a very long time to recover. Temps still happening now 6 days later despite 3 different antibiotics. Today she was discharged and I have a discharge summary that states she had a 3mm perforation in her appendix and that she had acute gangrenous appendicitis. They had told me they were bad but that they didn't perforate, but now I have the results to see for myself.

I need to say a special thank you to AUNTY PETA! Peta sat with me each night and made sure Tara had everything she needed including some beautiful new p.j's. She also made sure that I was eating and drinking. She also took Declan out with her for a whole day. Declan loved it.Thanks Peta!

The most devastating news for Tara is that she can't dance for 6 weeks!!!! She will miss two competitions and grade exams. However I have already seen her dancing with her hands.
Tara's war wounds!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

I'm so tired and feeling so alone!

I have never felt so worn out as I am at the moment. I come home and all I want to do is sleep. Tonight is dancing night and I opted not to go (so I really am tired).
The majority of my class is wonderful while there are a few that really need some moulding. Here I am at the same school as my friend Kristie, yet I never get the chance to talk with her. The fact that I'm teaching year 1 but am not in the same block as the other year 1 teachers is another isolation. I stood on parade this morning and reflected on the fact that I am one of the long timers now left at Caboolture East. This is my 8th year there. I am now being asked to present info for the initiation of the new teachers. I miss all of you, probably way more than you guys miss me.

I look at my class and Peta comes straight to mind. I look into the faces of some of my precious little students and know that they were placed in my class so that Peta and I could spend another year together. Oh, how I miss my dear friend Peta!
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