Sorry Guys that it has been so long since I last blogged. Where shall I start....

On September the 26th, we loaded up our 12 seater hire bus and began our journey to Geelong, after a long compulsary practice day of dancing. We had to be there by Sunday night as Tara and Daniel were to compete on Tuesday and needed a practice with their teacher on the Monday morning. We were travelling fine until we were hit by a dust storm around Grafton. It was then a very slow trip to Sydney as the winds were gusting. Needless to say, a big bus like we were driving was easily pushed across the road.
We got a bit lost in Sydney and ended up crossing the Sydney Harbour bridge. I woke up all the children to show them the Opera house but unfortunatly it wasn't lit up so they really didn't see anything and now I had to put up with them being awake!!!!
Between Sydney and Geelong the winds were gail forced (up to 80km an hour) So our trip was very slow. We arrived around 10pm and within 40 minutes I decided to go sightseeing in an ambulance. I had broken my leg! What a great way to start our holiday!
They always say "break a leg" for good luck and that is definately what I did for my two youngest competetors. Tara was first up and she danced beautifully but so did 57 other 9 year old dancers.
Since most of you don't know how competition of this level work what happens is the children dance a hard shoe dance, then everyone dances a soft shoe dance. There are 3 aduducators from around the world who judge all dancers scoring them from 100 point downwards. Then all the scores are added up and the bottom 1/2 are elliminated from the competition. Then those children left dance a hard shoe dance. It is their own choice but must be a traditional dance.
The tension builds as they announce the recalled numbers numerically. Tara held my had tightly as the numbers were called .... I marked them off on the program and when they called 40, we both screamed with delight. I have been attending the Nationals with the older children for the last 9 years and this was the very first time one of mine had been recalled for their solos.
We now had to change halls, but Daniel was dancing in this hall. Who do I watch???? If I wasn't on crutches it wouldn't be a problem because I could go quickly. So with 2 dance teachers they let me stay and watch Daniel and Txt me 5 dancers before Tara to give me time to get to the other hall. I made it as Tara walked out onto the stage. She was fantastic and bubbling with joy.
I then headed back to watch Daniel's second dance. Again I thought he was great, but really I'm a little bias!
Before they called Daniel's recalls. Tara's presentation was on. All 28 dancers were called onto the stage.
All the girls on stage. The girls from around Tara have gone to get their award and she is still up there. We are down to the top 20, Now the top 15 and then Tara's number 40 is called. Tara had come 14th in Australia. I am such a proud mummy!!!! Well Done Tara. All the hard work has paid off!!!!!
Now Daniel's recalls. Dan is as cool as a cucumber but I know he really wants a recall. And YES!!! He had made it. And he is the only QLDer.
Dan made a little mistake in his final dance but what does it matter he will be placed anyway!

Daniel came 6th! That's my Dan! I love him so much, he is such a gentle caring guy. The young boy who came 1st at the Qld state titles where Dan had come third, came up to him and instead of congratualting him, said "Don't forget that I'm the State Champion and my trophey is bigger than yours!!!!" Talk about sour grapes. Dan didn't respond at all. But later said to me I should have said Good for you, I got a place at the Australians. YOUR TOO NICE DAN! The other photo is of Daniel and his friend Anneleise who came 24th in the 11 year old girls with their two teacher Anita and Kate.
All of the others danced well but 2009 wasn't their solo year. In teams we did awesome. All of my children came home with medals. Tara, Daniel and Tara's friend Kirianna, danced in the 3 hand choreographies in Under 13's and came 6th. Tara still has 4 more years in this age group and Kirri has 3 Daniel only 1. So next year we are aiming high!
That's enough for tonight. Except to say - THANKS DEB AND TONI for a fantastic night in on Friday night. I love getting together with all my friends!!!!